
St. Joseph Catholic Church Mission Statement

"We the Roman Catholic Faith Community of St. Joseph Church in Amery, Wisconsin declare our parish mission is to know God, to love him and to serve Him in this world. We pursue this mission by celebrating the Eucharist and sharing our faith, love, time, talents, and treasures with our families, our communities and the world."

Serving God by Serving His People

St. Joseph Parish Staff

Parish Business Administrator
Jennifer Lefler | [email protected] | 715-268-3172
Steve Rogers | [email protected] | Phone: 715-268-3165
Coordinator of Religious Education 
Crystal Siebenaler | [email protected] | Phone: 715-268-3161

St. Joseph Pastoral Councils

A group of dedicated parishioners who advise and assist the pastor in discerning and understanding the Christian vision by listening to your needs, concerns, and ideas.


Pastoral Council Members

Chair Sheeran Gallagher | [email protected]
Vice-Chair Steve West | [email protected]
Secretary Marge Schone | [email protected]
Trustee Rick Dado | [email protected]
Additional Members
Aimee Smith | [email protected]
Cheryl Meyer | [email protected]

Finance Council Members

Chair Charles Pedretti | [email protected]
Trustee Dan Klitgard | [email protected]
Additional Members
Ken Duncan | [email protected]



Human Concerns Services/Evangelization - Chair: Jennifer Lefler

Spiritual Life & Worship - Chair: Vicki Seibel Betzold

Building and Grounds - Dan Fleming, Roger Waterman, Thomas Hemauer


Ushers & Greeters -  Jay Monson


Flowers - Larry Boos

Ice Fishing Contest 

Rummage Sale - Maggie Peterson

Holiday Bazaar - Heidi Maupin

Ministry Opportunities

Parish Activities Committee

Help plan and implement social and fund-raising activities which also foster community spirit. Meets approximately four times per year. Committee membership is made up of chairpersons of the following activities: Chicken Dinner, Ice Fishing Contest, Rummage Sale, Tailgate Party, Holiday Bazaar, Outdoor Masses and Calendar Raffle.

1st Sunday Coffee and Donuts

Prepare and coordinates the schedule for serving coffee and donuts after each Mass on the 1st Sunday of every month. Help with serving is always welcome.

Ice Fishing Contest

Held the 4th Sunday of January. Major fund-raising activity. Help is needed in the following areas: Collecting Prizes, Selling Tickets on the ice, running the Contest on Ice.

Chicken Dinner

Held last Sunday of January along with Ice Fishing Contest. A major fundraising activity. Many helpers, both youth and adult, needed.

Rummage Sale

Held mid May. Community and Parish involvement activity that allows for good fellowship and also raises funds for other church activities. Many helpers needed. Chair Person Needed.

Holiday Bazaar

Held every November. This is a fund making activity. Needs a lot of help in the areas of advertising, set up and take down, registration of venders, and working in the kitchen.

Outdoor Masses

Held in the summer months. Outdoor Mass and activities such as pet blessings, backpack & car key blessings, games & music. Free will offering lunch.

Calendar Raffle

This is a fund raising activity in which calendars are sold like raffle tickets. Drawings are held daily for 6 months (July-December) of each year.

Parish Activities Communication & Advertising Committee

This committee is concerned with ongoing communication between various organizations councils and groups within St. Joseph parish. Also advising the community of Amery and the diocese of Superior of the happenings of St. Joseph parish. Newsletters are also prepared by the committee.

St. Joseph Family Guild

As a registered member of St. Joseph Faith Community, you automatically become a member of our parish’s Family Guild. The meetings are on an as needed basis. The Family Guild is the major parish organization that handles the following activities: Funeral Luncheons, Chicken Dinner, Holiday Bazaar, and Deanery Meetings. Caller assistance is needed approximately three times per year to ask for bake sale donation, pie donations, and/or workers for chicken dinner, each caller would make 10-15 calls depending on number of callers.

Knights of Columbus

A service and fraternal organization that is active in our parish. The meetings are held the second Monday of the month at 6:30 PM at St. Joseph Church.

Kitchen Supervisor

When the social hall is rented for various functions (mostly weddings), we have to have kitchen supervisor on the premises during the function. Many parishioners are currently trained and more are welcome.

Pastoral Care Ministry

Reaching out to those who are ill or recuperating in their homes, hospitals, and nursing homes is what Pastoral Care Ministry is all about. If you have a heart for the sick and suffering, perhaps Jesus is tapping you on the shoulder and beckoning you to this ministry. You can choose to serve in one of the following areas:

Funeral Hospitality

Volunteers from the parish supply the food and help prepare and serve the food for the luncheon. This is a special gift for the family and friends of the deceased.

Prayer Chain

Assist others through intercessory prayer at home. Individual prayer of 10-30 minutes a day.

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Ministry

Distributes Eucharist at weekend and special liturgies. Also takes communion to the two nursing homes on a weekly basis. Training required. Volunteers are always needed. Pray with hospitalized, home-bound, and parishioners in special circumstances. Hours depend on need. Training provided.


Proclaims the word at weekend and special liturgies. Ongoing training is provided. A rotation schedule is prepared yearly. Volunteers are always needed.

Altar Server

Mass servers must be in the 4th grade or older. Training is required. Volunteers are always welcome.

Ushers and Greeters Ministry

Seats and greets worshipers before weekend and special liturgies. Takes collections, ushers at Communion, and distributes bulletins after mass. No training is required. Approximately once a month on a rotating schedule.

Linen Ministry

One person needed to wash and maintain linens used at liturgies. Launders priest and deacon robes on an “as needed” basis.

Video and Sound System Ministry

Volunteers are needed to operate sound system and to video Masses and other special liturgies on a rotating schedule. Masses are broadcasted on local cable channel 6.

Pray the Rosary Ministry

The Rosary is prayed each weekday after mass, communion service, or occasionally between Masses. Volunteers to lead the praying of the Rosary are always welcome.


Music is an important part of our worship at S. Joseph. We are proud of our music ministries and we invite you to join us in the various ministries listed.

Mass Music Coordinator

This parish volunteer coordinates all aspects of music which includes scheduling of musicians, singers and cantors for all masses. This individual also continuously promotes, encourages and seeks new talent for our ministry.

Funeral Choir

Sing at all Funeral Masses. One to four part choral group. Rehearsals 1 hour before Funeral Mass.


Needed: Adult and youth that can play Piano, Organ, Guitar, Flute, Brass, Woodwinds, Strings, or Percussion. Extra instrumentalists are used throughout the year, especially at Easter and Christmas.


Cantors are the leaders of song at Mass. In addition to leading the congregation during hymns and Mass parts, cantors also proclaim the psalm. Cantors do not have to be Choir members.

Hospitality Committee:

Plans, coordinates, prepares, and serves food for certain events at St. Joseph Church.


Volunteers are needed to take candid and posed photos at ministry events, meetings, projects, etc. for posting on ministry bulletin board and in parish publications.

Evangelization Committee:

Includes at least one member of the Pastoral Council and others interested in strengthening our evangelization efforts at St Joseph.

According to Pope Paul VI, a four-step process for becoming “an everyday Evangelizer” includes:

a) Accepting God’s word into your life.

b) Living out God’s word in service and witness.

c) Sharing your story of Jesus in your life with others.

d) Inviting others to deepen their relationship with Christ in the Christian community.

St. Joseph Parish sponsors two aspects of Evangelization: Small Christian Communities and a Welcoming Committee for New Parishioners.

Bible Study Group

Facilitators are needed who would be willing to be trained to lead additional Bible Group sessions

St. Joseph Parish Welcome Committee for New Parishioners

Members of the Welcoming Committee extend hospitality to new parishioners by presenting the family with information about the parish and a gift basket. Volunteers are needed to assist with welcoming new parishioners and in making up gift baskets.

Maintenance Ministry

Volunteers are always welcome to assist the care and maintenance of St. Joseph.

Grounds and Landscaping

Plans, plants, and maintains shrubs, flowers, and fountain. Also involved with planning long-term landscaping needs. Volunteers and donations always welcome.

Pastoral Council Member

The Pastoral Council is a visioning and policy discerning body whose purpose is to provide leadership (in cooperation with pastor, staff, and committees) in planning and long-range goal setting. The Council also advises the pastor on matters affecting the life and ministry of the parish community. Parishioners are elected to the Council for staggered three-year terms by the parish community. Elections take place in April each year. The Pastoral Council meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM.

Each elected Council member is a liaison for one of the following committees:


Christian Formation, Education, and Youth Activities

Human Concerns and Services

Spiritual Life and Worship

Administration and Communication

Finance Council Member

The Finance Council which is appointed provides management of fiscal affairs. This is accomplished by planning and overseeing the budgets, advising on revenues and expenditures, and monitoring financial and security controls. The St. Joseph Finance Council consists of the pastor and eight members appointed by the pastor. The Council meets on the last Tuesday of every month at 6:30 P.M.

Amery Area Food Pantry Needs

Canned pastas, oatmeal, formula, diapers, baby food, money for milk coupons. Donations can be left at SJ. Monetary Donations: P.O. Box 64; Amery, WI 54001 or in the envelope provided to parish members twice a year. 715-268-5999